GPS Fleet Tracking with refrigerated cargo monitoring on Long Island

Be alerted of temperature changes of cargo above or below set temperatures

An equipment failure or operator error can be very costly when dealing with temperature controlled cargo on Long Island. A truckload of spoiled food or medicine can cost thousands when not transported in the proper environment. Don’t risk your company’s reputation, play it safe and know the temperature of your cargo at every step of the way!

Have Movin’ On GPS install a temperature sensor in your cargo area, and be notified instantly of a potential problem. Know the current temperature and location of the vehicle. Imagine having temperature data on all your vehicles in the palm of your hands! At its current cost, you can’t afford NOT to have this technology!

Works with our GPS tracking system

Enjoy all of the great reporting features of our GPS tracking portal, which tell you when, where, and how long each and every stop was. Combine this with our new cargo monitoring feature, and you will also know that your cargo is being delivered to your customer at the proper temperature.

Set temperature thresholds

Set thresholds so that you may be notified when the temperature exceeds a set number. Get notifications by text or by email.

Run Reports

Get valuable data about temperature changes for a set time. Event detail reports will show you when and where a temperature threshold was exceeded.

temperature-sensor-on-long-island technician-installing-gps-tracking-on-long-island temperature-reporting-on-long-island
This MSNBC clip shows how authorities have become aware of the dangers of transporting food with a poorly functional refrigeration unit. Many times, drivers are not even aware of the trouble, which could get them a hefty fine and their cargo confiscated. Knowing your cargo’s temperature, and above all, being alerted of a change in temperature is of paramount importance in this industry.

Movin’ On GPS has been proudly servicing Long Island for over 30 years.

Our expert installers can handle all of your fleet’s  GPS tracking, temperature controlled cargo monitoring, and mobile DVR needs on Long Island.

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