Teen GPS Tracking on Long Island
It’s not about trust, it’s about safety.
Introducing covert, reliable, and feature-rich GPS tracking for new drivers on Long Island. Give your Long Island teen their freedom while still maintaining safety. Enjoy 24/7 web-based tracking from any computer, and configurable text message alerts for speeding, zone exiting, after-curfew usage, and arrival at a set landmark. Use the vehicle history to run reports about frequently visited locations, start & stop times, and much more!
Teens are at the highest risk of any group of drivers for car accidents–some of them fatal. Here on Long Island we have all read news stories about teen drivers, and we know it all comes down to driving experience. With the wealth of information you gain from GPS tracking, you can use your own driving experience to judge when your teen may be in danger. A text message to your phone could instantly notify you of hazards that could put your teen in danger.
Teen GPS Tracking Administrative Reports
Location Reports
Item status report
Landmark summary
Route Log
State by state mileage
Stop report
Stop report – with map
Stop report – with map – Multi-Driver
Trip Report
Event Reports
Event details
Idle time
Idle time – with map
Speed violation
GPS Tracking Saves Lives
Each Year over 5,000 teens ages 16 to 20 Die due to Fatal injuries caused Car accidents. About 400,000 drivers age 16 to 20 will be seriously injured.
The risk of being involved in a car accident the highest for drivers aged 16- to 19-year-olds than it is for any other age group. For each mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are about four times more likely than other drivers to crash.
Teenagers are about 10 percent of the US Population but account for 12 percent all Fatal Car Crashes.
Drivers (both male and female) under age 24 account for 30% – $26 billion Dollars of the total costs of Car accidents in the US.
Male Versus Female
The car accident death rate for teen male drivers and passengers is more than one and a half times female teen driver (19.4 killed per 100,000 male drivers compared with 11.1 killed per 100,000 female drivers.
New Drivers
The risk of a Crash risk is much higher during the first year teenagers are able to drive.
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