With Theft-Mate

Child Check-Mates Black Box Technology with Theft-Mate!

Each day over 200,000 drivers rely on the added safety value of our student passenger detection systems knowing that Child Check-Mate never sleeps while children are onboard. Now, bus fleet owners can share that same piece of mind knowing that their buses are as equally safe and secure from theft and vandalism as are their student passengers from being left behind.

Child Check-Mate Systems is pleased to introduce the release of two new system models which in addition to providing enhanced child check protection, offers an advanced level of technology upgrades and built in Theft-Mate security! Child Check-Mates new line of “EP” models are based on state-of-the-art “Black Box Technology” which revolutionizes the way conventional stand alone Child Check Systems are viewed. Specifically, the EP platform uses programmable flash memory circuitry with multiple “safety” (Child Check-Mate) and “security” (Theft-Mate) application functionality built right into the main alarm module (Black Box).

How does it Work?

The EP platform has multiple product code already built in. You simply select which product functionality you wish to activate. Each system includes our latest release of Child Check-Mate with enhanced functionality. Adding Theft-Mate Vandal protection is as easy as plugging in our proprietary cold temperature motion sensor which also acts as a crosscheck for left behind students. Ask us about our other product offerings including video, voice, G-Force and other feature applications, all of which can be GPS enabled.

Product Features

  • Black Box Technology
  • Includes state of the firmware with programmable flash memory and built-in power surge protection.
  • Programmable

All EP models are completely programmable which allows the system to adapt itself to unforeseen state specific legislation where future changes in functionality and feature set may be required. System tolerances and alarm delay sequencing can be easily modified to accommodate handicap, daycare, charter or other special needs vehicles. User friendly software can be downloaded from our website while programming adaptors are available as a standalone option. Alternatively, systems may be customized by Child Check-Mates technicians before delivery. Please note: that software will only be required if there is a need to change functionality.
mechanic working on schoolbus


All system models are completely upgradable using the original plug and play six pin installation harness which continues to be a standard design feature on all models. What this means, is that existing clients have the option of simply unplugging the original MAU-02 Child Check-Mate alarm module and plugging in any of our EP models. From and installation standpoint, there is no need to replace the previously installed reset button (RVT-2W) or six pin foundation harness.

Child Checkmate Customer Upgrade / Exchange Program

For our existing clients who wish to upgrade to one of our more recent EP models, Child Check-Mate offers an exchange program with attractive upgrade pricing incentives. It’s like exchanging your old car on a new model. This ensures that every Child Check-Mate customer remains current by taking advantage of the technology advancements offered in our latest line of innovative safety and security products including Dome Light option, Theft-Mate vandal deterrent system, voice control, GPS, video and more.

Driver & Operator Protection!

The benefits of the Child Check-Mate system go far beyond that of simply improving child passenger safety. Unfortunate as it is, accidents can and do happen. With the recent increase in the number of incidences, the consequences of leaving a child behind have led to an increase in job termination and in some cases, criminal charges. As a result, State legislatures in conjunction with insurance companies are working hand in hand to promote mandatory use of systems such as Child Check-Mate along a path similar to that of the crossing arm legislation. Child Check-Mate helps protect both the driver and the operator by reducing possible exposure through litigation and the inevitable rising cost of insurance premiums.

Safety doesn’t happen by accident, nor can it be imitated!

When considering an investment in child passenger safety, do not be confused by imitation “child check” systems. Child Check-Mate Systems Inc. is the originator of the patented Child Check-Mate System, so be sure to ask for it by name. Specifically, the success of any safety program relies to a large degree upon how easily it adapts itself to the business and how it measured over the long term. More importantly, it is all about the safety and functionality. That’s what Child Check-Mate Systems Inc. is all about. There are no gimmicks or trendy feature sets, such as the flashing interior lights; and, we don’t propose to “trap the driver in the bus”. Child Check-Mate Systems Inc. is about fail-safe functionality, fleet-wide uniformity and a long-term maintenance free safety solution that works!

Generic look and feel, operation and installation regardless of bus make or model!

The original Child Check-Mate System has become the trademark in electronic child monitoring devices and is easily recognizable on over 200,000 buses across North America by its unique slick appearance and impregnable Steel Cased “Stop and Check” reset button. Designed “by drivers for drivers,” the system was originally developed as a job security device (to safeguard its own drivers against mishaps). The system remains completely inconspicuous to the driver providing unsurpassed functionality and bypass protection, which fits generically within the driver’s routine. As one example, Child Check-Mates flexibility allows the driver the option of resetting the system with or without the engine running. This is an important feature when you consider that a majority of drivers prefer to perform their child check procedure prior to returning to the yard (at a predetermined time and place), while leaving the engine running for time convenience and/or cool down periods. Again, it’s all about generics! There are no gimmicks or warning lights to look for, or time restrictions to impede driver performance; simply an all-audible microprocessor dual-alarm system that alerts the driver at the completion of each run to remind the driver to check for children. As easy to install as it is to operate, each Check-Mate system comes with a no-questions asked (5) year warranty and unmatched price performance.

For information on buying or installing child checkmate, click here